Removing asbestos without the help of a professional can harm your health. So if you want to stay healthy, hire a qualified and certified asbestos removal contractor. Below is a quick process to help you understand how they work!
Regardless of whether you are planning a renovation, demolition, or repair in your building, have testing done before you begin the process. If asbestos is present, even in small amounts, call in the professionals to remove it as soon as possible.
These technicians are trained and equipped with modern equipment and protective coverings. In addition, they know how to remove it safely without contaminating the environment.
Here are some guidelines that the workers follow on a job site.
Decontamination Procedures
Before starting the procedure, they decontaminate the equipment and their protective clothing to ensure that no fibers can escape from the “dirty” part of the work area.
They use disposable wipes to decontaminate surfaces and objects. In addition, debris that has occurred during the removal process is carefully sealed for later disposal. After the process, they vacuum and wipe down all equipment and coatings, which are decontaminated and stored safely before leaving the job site.
Materials must be prepared in advance, such as new and 6 mils plastic sheeting, clean water, clean buckets, fresh rags, solid asbestos waste container, asbestos waste bags, new personal protective equipment. In addition, before the procedure begins, they will cover all vents to prevent fibers and dust from entering.
Removal Process
During the process, the materials are sprayed with soap and water. Once complete, they enclose the asbestos materials in a double 6 mil bag, tape it properly, and place it in a hazardous waste garbage can.
Asbestos waste cannot be thrown on the ground, as the bags can rupture and release asbestos fibers into the air.
Be Safe – Use a Certified Asbestos Remover
Any building or homeowner thinking of asbestos removal should hire a certified contractor with a written safe work plan. Be sure to ask your contractor to see their safety documents and safe work plan.